Overcoming Burnout:

Your 4-Part Guide to INNER Self-Care Solutions

This 4-part series program is for any group of people in any field (leaders, administrators, staff, board members, organization members, etc.) who are experiencing burnout, and who are looking for solutions to pre-empt or alleviate it.

2024 studies claim 57-77% of employees (depending on the industry) are currently experiencing some form of burnout, and burnout is on the rise.

NEW Offering!

Overcoming Burnout for DEI Leaders:
Your Guide to INNER Self-Care Solutions

DEI burnout is a special kind of fatigue that can affect activists, educators, administrators, diversity officers, and any leader who is committed to advancing social justice. According to a recent Forbes article focused on the topic, "DEI leaders are experiencing mass burnout." The good news is that burnout can be preempted or alleviated by consistent mindful INNER Self-Care practices geared specifically to DEI professionals!

Burnout is often described as feeling worn out physically and emotionally. Or feeling useless, powerless, hopeless, or empty at work or at home.

Burnout is characterized by answering YES to some or all of the following questions: 

  • Do you drag yourself out of bed in the morning?  
  • Do you question the value of your work?  
  • Do you feel removed from others? 
  • Have you lost patience with others?  
  • Do you feel like you’re giving too much of yourself? 
  • Do you feel little satisfaction from accomplishments?  
  • Are you using food, drugs or alcohol to feel better or to numb how you feel?  
  • Have your sleep habits changed? 

If you answered yes to most of these questions, you are likely experiencing burnout. 

Unfortunately, burnout can lead to: a lack of focus, high turnover at work, increased sick days, mental and physical stress symptoms such as: exhaustion, anxiety, high blood pressure, or worse. Burnout can negatively impact both personal and professional lives and relationships. 

The good news is that burnout can be preempted or alleviated by consistent mindful INNER Self-Care practices. 

To avoid burnout nowadays, self-care is no longer a luxury… It is a necessity. 

To counteract burnout, most people tend to focus on physical self-care such as: healthy eating, sleeping enough, drinking plenty of clean water, exercising, among others.  

 And while these healthy habits are critically important for our wellbeing, unfortunately the INNER Self-Care we need is often overlooked. 

After 25 years of teaching at the university level and consulting at over 150 organizations, Fortune 50 corporations, and campuses about the challenging topics of diversity, equity and inclusion, the two challenges my students and clients continue to face are their experiences of burnout, and the need for inner healing.  

In this 4-Part Guide to INNER Self-Care Solutions, you will be given a roadmap for addressing your inner self-care and gain practices to incorporate in your daily life. 

Content of this mini-course includes: 

Burnout Challenges and Self-Care Solutions

It’s MUCH easier to avoid burnout than to recover from it. We start with your current personal and professional burnout inducers, and dive into best practices for self-care. This way, you can immediately begin to incorporate and practice new tools to preempt or alleviate burnout over the course of the program, and beyond.

Discovering Your Superpowers Within

The gifts each of us has can be used to live a more purposeful, meaningful and ultimately, satisfying life. The research is clear that living a life with meaning and purpose is correlated not only with increased health and wellness, but also with longevity, in other words, a more sustainable life! We will tap into your intuitive guidance, gifts, and purpose to set you on your best self-care path towards a more fulfilling, sustainable life in which you can reach your true potential.



Embodied Healing 

At a deeper level, burnout can be exacerbated by patterns and socially conditioned thoughts we have been taught about ourselves. In this session, we will learn and practice tools for somatic (embodied) healing to release fear, old patterns and mindsets that work to limit our potential. These self-care healing practices can expand your ability to love and trust yourself – which are antidotes for burnout.

Build Consistency, Resiliency, and Community

How do we ensure consistent use of the practices we learned? How can these techniques help us to suffer less and find our grounding more quickly? How do we increase social interactions to build community and create a support system for ourselves? This session serves to springboard your practice to promote ultimate success.

Outcomes for this mini-course: 

1. Learn and practice concrete strategies, best mind/body/spirit practices, and new habits to preempt or alleviate burnout. 

2. Learn inner self-care techniques for healing, emotional regulation, and releasing fear, scarcity mindset,  and anxiety. 

3. Tap into your inner strengths to live a more meaningful, purposeful life.  

4. Learn how to incorporate consistent practices and build a community of support.

New Book, Now Available!


25 Tools to Calm Your Nervous system

By request from clients experiencing the severe anxiety that can accompany burnout, my latest book, Fast Relief from Anxiety (2024), is now available! This handbook offers 25 drug-free inner self-care tools and emotional regulation techniques to calm your nervous system so you can get back to living your life! It also includes exploration and charting tools, and a Fast Relief from Anxiety Checklist.

Facilitated by: Dena Samuels, PhD (she/her) 

• Personal and professional development specialist and wellness coach, with  25 years of experience teaching, consulting, and coaching. 

Award-winning professor at the University of Colorado – Colorado Springs in social justice studies specializing in mindful living. 

• Yoga instructor and mindfulness author and guide.  

• An intuitive coach who assists her clients in learning how to trust themselves and to reach their full potential. 

• Her clients encompass over 150 organizations and Fortune 50 corporations and campuses around the U.S. and beyond, including:

Facebook/WhatsApp, NASA, PBS, BigBrothersBigSisters, Yale University, US Air Force Academy, among others.